Nail Fungus
Nail fungus is a difficult-to-treat fungal infection of the finger or toe nails. With traditional treatments such as medications and topical creams showing only limited success.
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of a nail. The fungus can invade the nail plate or nail bed, potentially causing the nail to separate from the nail bed, a thickening of the nail, discoloration, and nail deformation. The majority of infections are caused by moulds called dermatophytes and yeasts. Multiple therapies, including surgical, chemical, topical, and oral methods, have been described for the treatment of onychomycosis. In general, limitations of the current therapeutic options include: inadequate spectrum of activity, lack of efficacy, poor penetration to the nail plate/matrix, multiple drug interactions, inadequate pharmacokinetic profile, excessive costs, recurrence of the infection and duration of treatment.
Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in the potential of energy-delivery technologies such as lasers, for the local treatment of fungal nail infection. Alma Lasers opens up new possibilities with a selection of clinically proven laser and light-based solutions.
The rational for using a laser source for the treatment of nail fungus stems from their thermocidal and bactericidal effects via localized photo-thermal or photo-chemical skin-nail interaction in the affected fungus nail.
These breakthrough treatments target the source of the infection beneath the nail plate, clearing nail fungus within a few short treatment sessions. The lasers emit powerful bursts of light that transmit through the nail plate to the nail bed to be absorbed by the pigmented yeasts responsible for the infection.
Recommended Intervals 2-4 Weeks
Approximate Required Sessions 3-5 until nail clears and normal color returns.
It is recommended to treat all nails in case to prevent the infection spreading to other untreated nails.